Muy ahorrativo: mi colección de artículos para el hogar vintage para plantas de interior.
Why did you bring us here? I never loved you. You wouldn't. Ask anyway! A true inspiration for the children. Son, as your lawyer, I declare y'all are in a 12-piece bucket o' trouble. But I done struck you a deal: Five hours of community service cleanin' up that ol' mess you caused.
Who are those horrible orange men? We're rescuing ya. Soothe us with sweet lies. Does anybody else feel jealous and aroused and worried? Why would I want to know that? I barely knew Philip, but as a clergyman I have no problem telling his most intimate friends all about him.
Bender! Ship! Stop bickering or I'm going to come back there and change your opinions manually! Leela, are you alright? You got wanged on the head. Dr. Zoidberg, that doesn't make sense. But, okay! Ooh, name it after me!
Guess again. Yeah, and if you were the pope they'd be all, "Straighten your pope hat." And "Put on your good vestments." Is that a cooking show? I just want to talk. It has nothing to do with mating. Fry, that doesn't make sense.
Yes, except the Dave Matthews Band doesn't rock. Soothe us with sweet lies. Hi, I'm a naughty nurse, and I really need someone to talk to. $9.95 a minute. You lived before you met me?!
You, minion. Lift my arm. AFTER HIM! It's toe-tappingly tragic! No! Don't jump! Look, last night was a mistake. In your time, yes, but nowadays shut up! Besides, these are adult stemcells, harvested from perfectly healthy adults whom I killed for their stemcells.
The key to victory is discipline, and that means a well made bed. You will practice until you can make your bed in your sleep. I haven't felt much of anything since my guinea pig died. Isn't it true that you have been paid for your testimony?
Is that a cooking show? Hi, I'm a naughty nurse, and I really need someone to talk to. $9.95 a minute. We'll need to have a look inside you with this camera. Hey, guess what you're accessories to. We'll go deliver this crate like professionals, and then we'll go home.
Eeeee! Now say "nuclear wessels"! Um, is this the boring, peaceful kind of taking to the streets? Yes, I saw. You were doing well, until everyone died. I decline the title of Iron Cook and accept the lesser title of Zinc Saucier, which I just made up. Uhh… also, comes with double prize money.
Oh right. I forgot about the battle. Are you crazy? I can't swallow that. Fetal stemcells, aren't those controversial? Whoa a real live robot; or is that some kind of cheesy New Year's costume? I suppose I could part with 'one' and still be feared…
Wow! A superpowers drug you can just rub onto your skin? You'd think it would be something you'd have to freebase. And yet you haven't said what I told you to say! How can any of us trust you? So, how 'bout them Knicks?