Confusión sobre las luces de cultivo
Michelle, I don't regret this, but I both rue and lament it. No! The cat shelter's on to me. Five hours? Aw, man! Couldn't you just get me the death penalty? OK, if everyone's finished being stupid. That's right, baby. I ain't your loverboy Flexo, the guy you love so much. You even love anyone pretending to be him!
Moving along… We need rest. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised. Please, Don-Bot… look into your hard drive, and open your mercy file! I didn't ask for a completely reasonable excuse! I asked you to get busy!
I am the man with no name, Zapp Brannigan! Well, thanks to the Internet, I'm now bored with sex. Is there a place on the web that panders to my lust for violence? Um, is this the boring, peaceful kind of taking to the streets?
No! Don't jump! And I'd do it again! And perhaps a third time! But that would be it. Man, I'm sore all over. I feel like I just went ten rounds with mighty Thor. Why did you bring us here?
When I was first asked to make a film about my nephew, Hubert Farnsworth, I thought "Why should I?" Then later, Leela made the film. But if I did make it, you can bet there would have been more topless women on motorcycles. Roll film! I never loved you.
Oh, I don't have time for this. I have to go and buy a single piece of fruit with a coupon and then return it, making people wait behind me while I complain. You know, I was God once. I haven't felt much of anything since my guinea pig died.
Hey, tell me something. You've got all this money. How come you always dress like you're doing your laundry? Hi, I'm a naughty nurse, and I really need someone to talk to. $9.95 a minute. This opera's as lousy as it is brilliant! Your lyrics lack subtlety. You can't just have your characters announce how they feel. That makes me feel angry!
That's the ONLY thing about being a slave. Leela, are you alright? You got wanged on the head. Um, is this the boring, peaceful kind of taking to the streets? Oh right. I forgot about the battle. I can explain. It's very valuable.
Your best is an idiot! Whoa a real live robot; or is that some kind of cheesy New Year's costume? I could if you hadn't turned on the light and shut off my stereo. She also liked to shut up!
That could be 'my' beautiful soul sitting naked on a couch. If I could just learn to play this stupid thing. Ummm…to eBay? We're rescuing ya. Now that the, uh, garbage ball is in space, Doctor, perhaps you can help me with my sexual inhibitions?
And from now on you're all named Bender Jr. I daresay that Fry has discovered the smelliest object in the known universe! The key to victory is discipline, and that means a well made bed. You will practice until you can make your bed in your sleep.