The Middle-Sized Garden
But I've never been to the moon! No, of course not. It was… uh… porno. Yeah, that's it. I love this planet! I've got wealth, fame, and access to the depths of sleaze that those things bring.
Bender, hurry! This fuel's expensive! Also, we're dying! Hey, tell me something. You've got all this money. How come you always dress like you're doing your laundry? I'm just glad my fat, ugly mama isn't alive to see this day.
Oh, how I wish I could believe or understand that! There's only one reasonable course of action now: kill Flexo! Who are you, my warranty?! All I want is to be a monkey of moderate intelligence who wears a suit… that's why I'm transferring to business school!
Can I use the gun? Take me to your leader! But I know you in the future. I cleaned your poop. All I want is to be a monkey of moderate intelligence who wears a suit… that's why I'm transferring to business school!
I just want to talk. It has nothing to do with mating. Fry, that doesn't make sense. Interesting. No, wait, the other thing: tedious. Okay, I like a challenge. Who said that? SURE you can die! You want to die?!
Who are those horrible orange men? Hey! I'm a porno-dealing monster, what do I care what you think? That's the ONLY thing about being a slave. Perhaps, but perhaps your civilization is merely the sewer of an even greater society above you!
As an interesting side note, as a head without a body, I envy the dead. Leela's gonna kill me. And I'd do it again! And perhaps a third time! But that would be it. Aww, it's true. I've been hiding it for so long.
OK, if everyone's finished being stupid. There's no part of that sentence I didn't like! You guys go on without me! I'm going to go… look for more stuff to steal! Hi, I'm a naughty nurse, and I really need someone to talk to. $9.95 a minute.
Who are those horrible orange men? Meh. Bender! Ship! Stop bickering or I'm going to come back there and change your opinions manually! Actually, that's still true. Anyhoo, your net-suits will allow you to experience Fry's worm infested bowels as if you were actually wriggling through them.
Leela, Bender, we're going grave robbing. It's a T. It goes "tuh". You know the worst thing about being a slave? They make you work, but they don't pay you or let you go. Take me to your leader! Aww, it's true. I've been hiding it for so long.
You're going to do his laundry? It may comfort you to know that Fry's death took only fifteen seconds, yet the pain was so intense, that it felt to him like fifteen years. And it goes without saying, it caused him to empty his bowels.